Sunday, 14 March 2021

Mindfulness - 2021: An Online Mental and Physical Health and Wellness Course Exclusively for Women

Mindfulness - 2021
An Online Mental and Physical Health and Wellness Course Exclusively for Women

In continuation of the theme of International Women’s Day 2021, and as part of AIFEST’s initiative to highlight and foreground the aspirations of the women folk, a special Mental and Physical Health and Wellness Course titled Mindfulness- 2021 is being organized exclusively for women. The course will be a continuous wellness programme conducted daily that will assist you through your life’s journey. The programme will start on 1st April 2021. There will be a monthly course fee of Rs 500 that has to be paid directly to the course coordinator at the beginning of each month. Since this is a wellness programme with special attention to Yoga, meditation and mixed Cardio exercises, there is no fixed end date. Participants can attend the course as long as they wish, new members can join in between, and you can opt out of the course any time you choose. Again, the focus will be on mental and physical wellness; this is not a certificate course for the sake of attending. Here you will be practising whatever you learn under the able guidance and supervision of the course coordinator. While learning specific exercises, individual attention will be given to each participant paying special attention to physical and mental requirements, health issues, problems with balancing work and family life, and overall the need to better take care of the body and mind. The course will be holistic in nature, and specific exercises and diets will be suggested for specific requirements. Special counselling or sharing sessions can be arranged if a participant feels the need for the same.

The salient features of the course will be:

Ø Conducted by women for women
Ø Daily Yoga lessons
Ø Training in meditation and Pranayama
Ø Mixed Cardio exercises
Ø Aerobics training
Ø Individual attention to each participant
Ø Yoganidra (Yogic or Psychic Sleep) Practice
Ø Stress management
Ø Exercises specific to the requirements of women
Ø General diet planning and implementation
Ø Focus on Actual Practice and Exercise than on Theory
Ø Everyday programme: no holidays or layoffs
Ø Stretching and Relaxation Sessions Daily
Ø Balancing work and family life
Ø Home Remedies for Common Health Issues
Ø Option for Counselling sessions if required
Ø Explanations in both Hindi and English
Ø Women from any age group can attend

Course Duration

The course will officially start on 1st April 2021. Participants can attend the daily sessions as long as they wish. It will be continuous course with no holidays and no layoffs. Participants can attend the course as long as they wish, new members can join in between, and you can opt out of the course any time you choose.

Course Timing

Participants will have the option to choose the morning session or evening session. Considering the requests from working women, the course timings have been arranged accordingly. The morning session will be from 7 am to 8 am and the evening session will be from 5.30 pm to 6.30 pm. Each participant can attend one session per day.

Course Fee

There will be a monthly course fee of Rs 500 that has to be paid directly to the course coordinator at the beginning of each month. If you won’t be able to attend for a certain duration, it should be intimated beforehand to the course coordinator and the monthly fee can be adjusted accordingly. Please note, this is not a certificate course; no certificate will be provided at any time. The improvement in your health shall be your certificate.

Medium for the Course

The entire course will be conducted online using Zoom/ Google Meet as per convenience. Links to join will be provided prior to each session, and only registered participants will be allowed to join. This course is only for women, and hence there won’t be male instructors or participants. Registered participants will be divided into batches of 30 each and will be added to respective whatsapp groups. An expert female course instructor will be assigned to each batch. Request for change of batch will not be entertained.

How to Register

To register for the course, fill the Google Form here:

Once your registration is accepted, you will get a confirmation message through Whatsapp and email. For registration you don’t have to make any payments. The course fee need to be paid only after your registration is accepted. In the confirmation message, you will be informed about how to make the payment.

For queries, please contact +91-81289 29942 (Ms Sneha Jani, Course Coordinator) between 6 pm and 9 pm or email us at


  1. MHFA India provides mental health courses in India. MHFA programs and courses are evidence based training, which teach mental health first aid skills to members of the public and prepare instructors who are trained and accredited individuals to deliver MHFA courses to communities and workplaces across the country.

  2. Amazing Blog Post. Thank you for giving this helpful information.
    By daily mindfulness practice , we ensure you have a stress-free life. Mindfulness will not only help you to become efficient but also will help to reduce the percentage of daily mental issues such as bad temper, bad communication, etc.

  3. Great post! I think it is necessary to stress on the significance of the Mental Health Training for the contemporary world of work. At Safety Circle, we provide our clients with awareness programs and educate them on how to decrease Discrimination as well as provide them with the necessary tools for health wellbeing. Efforts towards ensuring that people’s psychological well-being is good contributes to a healthy and conducive atmosphere at the workplace for all.

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