Sunday 25 October 2020

AIFEST Poetry Competition

Click Here to See the Results

To make optimum use of the Corona forced break from academic work, and to make learning fun, All India Forum for English Students, Scholars and Trainers (AIFEST) wishes to organize different literary and artistic competitions in the coming days. As a first step in this initiative, we are organizing a Poetry Competition for lovers of literature and poetry. The participants shall be divided into three categories: Middle School (Classes V to VIII), High School (Classes IX to XII), and a third category for everyone else. Themes for poetry shall be different for different categories, as mentioned below. We are truly delighted and excited to welcome you wholeheartedly to participate in the event, have fun, and win exciting prizes.

Categories and Themes

1. Middle School (Classes V – VIII)


a. Beauty of Nature | or |  b. School Memories


2. High School (Classes IX – XII)


a. Mind and Melancholy | or | b. New Love


3. Everyone else

(UG/PG Students, Researchers, Teachers and anyone else interested in literature or poetry)


a. Shades of Love | or | b. The Pandemic


Instructions for Participants

1.       Participation is open to all, irrespective of age, nationality or gender.

2.       The submitted poem must be in English (British English preferred). There is no word limit, upper or lower.

3.       The poem must be submitted as an MS Word document attached to the Google form. In the Word document don’t mention any personal details; just the poem with its title in Times New Roman, font size 12. Preferably avoid bordering, fancy fonts and other decorations.

4.       Give the name of the participant as the name of the document.

5.       Students belonging to Categories 1 and 2 must upload the photo/scanned image of the Identity Card issued by your school. If you don’t have an id card, you may submit any other proof of identity.

6.       Participants belonging to Category 3 can upload their institutional id card. If you aren’t currently affiliated to any institution, or if you don’t have an id card, you may submit any other proof of identity.

7.       A participant can submit only one poem based on the themes suggested for your category. You can choose one among the 2 themes.

8.       The poem must be original; it must not be copied from elsewhere, or submitted for publication elsewhere. If the poem is found to be plagiarized or published before, it will be rejected and the participant will be blacklisted.

9.       If you have any queries, email us at

10.   You must fill the Google form only after your poem is ready for submission, since you will be asked to attach the poem as a word document while submitting the Google form.


Checklist before Filling the Form

ü  The poem typed in a word document, with title. Make sure that your name or any other personal detail is not mentioned inside the document.

ü  Give your name as the name of the document.

ü  Your id card in image/pdf format


Important Dates

Ø  Deadline for submission of poems: 15th November 2020

Ø  Announcement of results: 20th November 2020

Ø  Commencement of uploading selected recitations on YouTube: 30th November 2020

Ø  Publishing the selected poems as an eBook: 25th December 2020


How to Submit

Click on the link below and fill the Google form. Upload your poem as a word document and your id card as an image/pdf file. Submit the form.

Link to submit: Expired. We have closed the submission window. No further requests or submissions will be entertained.

Participation Fee: Free


·         All the participants would be given Lifetime Membership of AIFEST.

·         Authors of poems that secure an A grade will be given Certificates of Merit.

·         Selected poems will be published as an e-anthology with ISBN number.

·       The authors of selected poems will be offered an opportunity to submit recorded video recitation of their poems, and the selected recitations will be posted on our official YouTube channel.

The results will be announced on 20th November 2020 at 5 pm on our official blog Stay tuned. All details will be posted on this page.

Our YouTube Channel:

Our official email address:


Event Coordinators

Ms Juriti Goswami, Gauhati University, Assam

Ms Annalakshmi A V, CTTE College for Women, Chennai