Tuesday, 1 September 2020

What is AIFEST?

 About us

All India Forum for English Students, Scholars and Trainers (AIFEST) has successfully promoted the cause of English Research and Studies in India since 1994 through the selfless service of its volunteers. Around 3500 new members joined AIFEST in the year that passed by (as of 31 August 2020) swelling the number of life-time members in AIFEST to 18K. As per the recommendations of the new Executive Committee, from 2020 onwards, school students will also be granted membership in AIFEST.

Born on 19th June, 1994, AIFEST is a voluntary academic forum which tries to help the poor, the helpless and the academically deprived among the students, researchers and teachers of English. The forum is completely voluntary and not-for-profit, has neither funding nor any system of payment. 

Through our volunteers, we try to provide books and learning materials to poor students, we offer free guidance for researchers, we conduct free net English coaching for teacher aspirants, and we conduct programmes for improving the quality of English language and literature education. We provide access to free books, journals, notes, study materials and various audio and video lectures for the English undergraduate, postgraduate, MPhil and PhD students. 

We believe that there should always be free dissemination of knowledge and so we strive our best to render our best possible help to anyone pertaining to our fields of expertise. We nurture and harness the dream that the English language family should always be given the best possible help and our dedicated team never shies away from their duty. 

AIFEST conducts conferences, workshops and international lecture series thanks to our wonderful Resource persons who wholeheartedly volunteer for the cause from time to time for the benefit of the academic community. 

Apart from these, AIFEST strives to be the chronicler and distributor of job notifications, conference announcements and various literary and academic events held nationally and internationally. 

The forum fondly remembers with gratitude the great service rendered by stalwarts like Salman Rushdie, Jayanta Mahapatra, Nayantara Sehgal, Arun Kolatkar, Nissim Ezekiel, Kamala Das, Sashi Deshpande, Anita Desai – our torch-bearers, patrons and guiding stars, but for whom English in India wouldn't have been what it is today.

Our Official Blog: https://forum4english.blogspot.com/

Our YouTube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCBX891LfOfYqJ-rATEMnBBw

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/aifest4u/

Instagram Handle: https://www.instagram.com/aifest_official/

Official Telegram Group: https://t.me/joinchat/SCRp3wzSYpyXiMVW All information pertaining to AIFEST conferences, workshops, and other events will be updated here. All are welcome 🙏 

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