AIFEST has successfully promoted the cause of English Research and Studies in India since 1994. Around 4800 new members joined AIFEST in the year that passed by (as of 31 July 2023) swelling the number of life-time members in AIFEST to 27300.
Saturday, 28 December 2019
Thursday, 12 December 2019
Kerala PSC Assistant Professor Notification December 2020
Department of Kerala Collegiate Education
Applications are invited online only through ONE TIME REGISTRATION from qualified candidates for appointment in the under mentioned posts in Kerala Government Service.
Name of Post : Assistant Professor (in the following various subjects)
English - Category No. 287/2019
Scale of pay : UGC Scale
The above vacancy is now in existence. The Ranked list published by the Commission in response to this notification shall remain in force for a minimum period of one year provided that the said list will continue to be in force till the publication of a new list after the expiry of the minimum period of one year or till the expiry of three years whichever is earlier. Candidates will be advised from the said list against the vacancies reported to the Commission in writing during the period of currency of the list.
Note : 3% of the vacancies for the post shall be reserved for Differently Abled candidates with Locomotor Disability / Cerebral Palsy, Low Vision, Blindness and Hearing impairment as per G.O (P) No.61/12/SWD Dated 17/10/2012.
5. Method of appointment: Direct Recruitment
6. Age Limit : 22 - 40. Only candidates born between 02.01.1979 and 01.01.1997 (both dates included) are eligible to apply. Candidates from other backward communities, Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes are eligible for usual age relaxation. The concessions in upper age limit
are available subject to the conditions that the maximum age limit shall in no case exceed 50(Fifty) years. (For other conditions regarding age relaxations, please see Part II para (2) of the General
7 Qualifications
1. Masters Degree in the subject concerned with not less than 55% marks or its equivalent and good academic record.
2. Must have passed a Comprehensive Test in the subject concerned specifically conducted for the purpose by UGC or any agency duly constituted by the state government in this behalf. When qualifications are being equal, preference shall be given to those candidates who possess adequate knowledge in Malayalam.
Note (i) Candidates who have obtained Ph.D Degree in the subject concerned are exempted from passing the NET examination.
(G.O.(P)No.86/07/H.Edn dated 19.06.2007)
(ii) For SC, ST, OBC & Differently Abled candidates, minimum 50% marks for Masters degree shall be sufficient. (G.O.(Ms). No.02/07/H.Edn. Dated 04/01/2007 & G.O(P) No.10/2018/H.Edn. Dated 13/04/2018)
(iii) For recruitment to various posts under these rules, Degrees awarded by the Universities recognized by UGC alone shall be considered.
(iv) KS & SSR Part II Rule 10 (a) ii is applicable.
(v) Candidates who claim equivalent qualification instead of qualification mentioned in the notification shall produce the relevant Government Order to prove the equivalency at the time of verification, then only such qualification shall be treated as equivalent to the prescribed qualification concerned.
(vi) In the case of difference in original caste/ community claimed in the application and that entered in SSLC book, the candidate shall produce a Gazette notification in this regard, along with Non Creamy Layer Certificate/Community Certificate at the time of certificate verification.
8. Mode of submitting Applications:-
a. Candidates must register as per ‘ONE TIME REGISTRATION’ with the official Website of Kerala Public Service Commission before applying for the post. Candidates who have registered can apply by logging on to their profile using their User-ID and password. Candidates must click on the ‘Apply Now’ button of the respective post in the Notification Link to apply for the post. The Photograph uploaded should be taken after 31/12/2010. Name of the candidate and the date of photograph taken should be printed at the bottom portion of the photograph. The photograph once uploaded meeting all requirements shall be valid for 10 years from the date of uploading. There is no change in other instructions regarding the uploading of photographs. No application fee is required. Candidates shall take a printout of the application by clicking the link Registration Card in their profile. Candidates are responsible for the correctness of the personal information and secrecy of password. Before the final submission of the application , candidates must ensure correctness of the
information in their profile. They must quote the User-ID for further communication with the
Commission. Application submitted is provisional and cannot be deleted or altered after
submission. The application will be summarily rejected if noncompliance with the notification
is found in due course of processing. Documents to prove qualification, age, community etc
have to be produced as and when called for.
b. If Written/OMR/Online Test is conducted as part of this selection, candidates shall submit a
confirmation for writing the examination through their One Time Registration Profile. Such
candidates alone can generate and download the Admission Tickets in the last 15 days till the
date of test. The applications of candidates who do not submit confirmation within the
stipulated period, will be rejected absolutely. The periods regarding the submission of
confirmation and the availability of Admission Tickets will be published in the Examination
Calendar itself. Information in this regard will be given to the candidates in their respective
profiles and in the mobile phone number registered in it.
c. Candidates who have AADHAAR card should add AADHAAR card as I.D. Proof in their
9 Last date for submission of application :- 15.01.2020, wednesday upto 12.00 midnight.
10. Address to which applications are to be sent:
(Candidates must see the General Conditions in Part II of the Gazette Notification for instructions
regarding Photo , ID card etc.)
Friday, 6 December 2019
Free NTA Net English Training Online - June 2020
Free NTA Net English Training Online - June 2020
The December 2019 NET English Exam is over. AIFEST wishes to begin the preparations for the next NET exam today itself. Our December batch consisted of 720 members. Around 700 seats will be made available for new candidates for June 2020 Net exam preparation. Registration and full training will be fully free. Registration will be done on a first come forst served basis. So apply immediately before the seats are all filled.
How to Join
Send an email to, providing your full name, professional qualification, email address, whatsapp number and your present academic status. Those who are already members of the net preparation free broadcast list must not apply again.
This free NET preparation forum, run by eminent English professors and a bunch of enthusiastic students, offers free training and mentorship for NET aspirants. All interactions and communications are done through Whatsapp. The aim is that nobody should fail to qualify Net due to financial constraints, lack of quality study materials, or lack of guidance and assistance. Books, notes, lectures, video and audio content, useful links and regular guidance and instruction can be availed freely here.
Who can Join
All students and teachers of English Literature preparing for NTA Net English examination. This service too can be availed by non-members of AIFEST as well. Spread the news to your friends as well; AIFEST opens its doors for everyone.
INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE on "Through a (new) Looking Glass: Challenges for Women in 21st Century", 9-10 January, 2020
"Through a (new) Looking Glass: Challenges for Women in 21st Century"
9-10 January, 2020
WDC, SLC, University of Delhi takes immense pleasure in announcing International Conference on “Through a (new) Looking Glass: Challenges for Women in the 21st Century” to be held on 9-10
January, 2020. This International Conference will be of great interest to faculties, research scholars, experts, gender activists, students and media professionals.

Images of Indian Women: From Tradition to Modernity
Gender & Human Rights
Changing patterns of Gender Equality
Sexual Harassment at the Workplace
Women & Leadership: Recent Trends & Practices
Women Entrepreneurship: Challenges and possibilities
Women and Media
Reflection of Gender in Literature and Films
Cultural and Social Dimensions of Gender Diversity
Challenges of Intersectionality in Gender Issues
Women of substance: Home to Sky
Women Managers in Developing countries
Original research papers, to be submitted, should not exceed 5000 words in length and be in 12 point size font, Times New Roman with 1.5 line spacing. The papers would be shortlisted after rigorous reviewing process.
Original Research Papers/Conceptual Papers and Case Studies are invited from research scholars, faculty, members of universities and colleges as well as students.
The abstracts should be submitted at in Docx/(or readable PDF) format with the main track (listed in the attachment) mentioned in the subject line as per the following
Extended Abstract Submission Start Date……….November 13, 2019
Extended Abstract Submission End Date………..November 30, 2019
Acceptance Notification…………………………December 05, 2019
Early Registration Start Date…………………….December 05, 2019
Early Registration End Date……………………..December 15, 2019
The Conference delegation fee is mentioned below. The Conference delegation fee entitles the participants to a conference kit,
writing pad with pen, a copy of the conference proceedings, conference programme and two days’ refreshments and lunch.
The conference volunteers are in talks with Guest houses/ Budgets hotels for special concessional rates for the participants.
Details shall be notified shortly.
Student 800/-
Research Scholars 1000/-
Faculty Members 1500/-
Corporate/Industry Delegates 2000/-
Foreign Delegates $75/-
The registration fee may be sent in the form of Demand Draft in favour of “Principal, Shyam Lal College” payable at Delhi. The Demand Draft (with the name of the participant and the title of the conference stated in the covering letter) should be sent to the following address:
The registration fee can also be paid through electronic money transfer system and confirmation of such transaction is to be intimated by sending the snapshot and UTR number of your transaction to with the “Payment Registration Fees& name of the participant” as the subject.
Monday, 2 December 2019
Two Day National Seminar on Eco-Future: A Voice for Nature December 17-18, 2019
Two Day National Seminar on Eco-Future: A Voice for Nature, December 17-18, 2019
The Department of English, Government College Kattappana
Environmental degradation is one of the major global issues that the twenty first century is affected with. The depletion of the Ozone layer, resources, air, water and soil, the destruction of the eco system, the extinction of wildlife and global warming are some of the consequences of man’s overuse and exploitation of land and water for urbanisation and industrialisation. As over the decades literature has become a pretext to the study of environmental issues under the influence of ecological debates, and relevant texts have often been evaluated according to their capacity to articulate ecological contexts. Literature realizes and visualizes that individuals and social pathologies are coextensive. At the same time it is important to note how mankind defines its relationship with nature and to investigate to what extent ecocentric and biocentric voices can be heard over anthropocentric voices. The trouble is we have all let ourselves become part of the killer story, and so we may get finished along with it. Hence it is high time that we discuss the untold problematics of environmental devastation.
We call for papers in the following and related thrust areas.
Urban Ecology and Environmentalism
Deep Ecology
Green Studies
Call for papers
We invite original and unpublished papers on the above areas from Research Scholars, teachers and students. Interested participants may send an abstract in about 250 words to Kindly adhere to the dates stipulated for submission.
Last date for the submission of abstract : 06 December 2019
Submission of Full paper : 13 December 2019
1. Abstract shall be submitted as an attachment, in about 250 words with the name and official address of the author with Mob. And email id.
2. Please follow the MLA 7th style while preparing the paper.
3. The acceptance of the abstract will be intimated on or before 09 December 2019. The full paper should be submitted on or before 13 December 2019
1. Ms Vani P (Head of the Department) : 8610559338
2. Mr. Tojy Dominic(Coordinator) : 9744864454
3. Ms. Biyamol George ( Organising Committee member) : 9400969283
4. Dr. Aju Narayanan( Academic coordinator)
( School of Letters, MG University Kottayam) : 9496119457
Sunday, 1 December 2019
National Seminar on Partitions Revisited: Postmemory, History, Identity, 20th February 2020
National Seminar on Partitions Revisited: Postmemory, History, Identity, 20th February 2020
The English Literary Society
Zakir Husain Delhi College
One of the most defining events of South Asian history, the Partition of India in 1947 led to large-scale mass migration and altered the geopolitics of the region. Such has been the impact that its legacies continue to inform everyday experience of conflict and violence. As belated witnesses, we experience the historical and personal trauma through creative and literary works which constitute a rich corpus of Partition literature. While progressive writers like Sadat Hasan Manto have portrayed the movement of people across borders as a search for safe haven from the violence accompanied with this cataclysmic event, modernist writers like Intizar Husain have viewed this as an exodus for a promised land. The experience of suffering, exile, homelessness and loss have been immortalized by writers Faiz, Krishan Chander, Rajinder Singh Bedi, and Bhisham Sahni.
Bengal’s experience of Partition has been significantly different and has found expression in the works of Jibananda Das, Dibendyu Palit, Manik Bandhopadhyay, Sunanda Bhattacharya, Himani Bannerjee and others. Unlike Western India, the partition in Eastern India was a long drawn one. Here, the influx of migrant population continued over the next decades with a perceptible change in the demography of the north-eastern states of India, and continues to shape contemporary debates on citizenship. Homen Borgohain’s short story “Ismael Sheikhor Xandhanot” (2003) and Rita Chowdhary’s novel Makam (2010) document the trauma of migration and the related issues of resettlement in eastern India.
Narratives of partition help in understanding the workings of memory as well as ‘postmemory’, a term Marriane Hirsch uses to describe the relationship of the second generation to powerful, often traumatic experiences that preceded their births but that were nevertheless transmitted to them so deeply as to seem to constitute memories in their own right. Memories of lost homelands, cross border romances and nostalgia of ruptured relationships continue to animate recent popular films like Gadar – ek Prem Katha, (2001), Veer-Zaara (2004), and more recently Qissa (2014), Bajrangi Bhaijaan (2015) and Raazi (2018). Earlier films such as Subaranrekha (1965), Garam Hawa (1973), Pinjar (2003) and Khamosh Pani (2003) have sensitively portrayed displacement, relocation and loss of a sense of a community, with clashes not only based on religious lines but class, caste, and gender issues also resurface with great urgency.
While memory has been the mainstay of Partition scholarship, recent critical engagement has focused on issue of borders and how it continues to affect lives especially along the borderlands. Partition and its lingering aftermath continue to shape contemporary debates on displacement and dispossession, citizenship and identity. An area of interdisciplinary research, Partition studies has taken different directions and continues to be an enigma in popular imagination. This National Students’ Seminar seeks to examine historical, literary, cinematic, graphic and personal narratives of partition from varying theoretical perspectives as it resonates with our present concerns.
We invite original research papers from undergraduate and postgraduate students as well as researchers from colleges and universities.
Papers may be related but not restricted to any one
of the following sub-themes:
• Colonialism, Nationalism, and the Partition
• Partition films and adaptations
• Borders and Borderlands
• Women in Partition
• Oral Narratives and Testimonies
• Migration and Refugees
• Graphic Narratives, Science Fiction and Slam Poetry
• Memory and Postmemory
• Partition Museum & Partition Archives
• Trauma and Violence
• Citizenship and Identity
Abstracts of maximum 200 words must be emailed to latest by December 25, 2019.
Important Details
Last Date for Abstract Submission: 25 December 2019
Intimation of Acceptance: 05 January 2020
Last Date for Submission of Full-length Papers of 3000 words: 05 February 2020
Participants will be given 20 minutes to present their papers. Registration will be free for all participants.
Best paper awards will be given in the following categories:
Category 01: Bachelor and Masters level students
Category 02: M. Phil and PhD level students.
Please note that no TA/DA will be paid to participants. Refreshment and certificates will be provided to all participants.
For Further Information:
Ruchika Verma
Tishya Agrawal
National Workshop on “Teaching through Gamification in Classroom” 23 December 2019
Department of English
GITAM School of Technology
GITAM (Deemed to be University)
Bengaluru Campus
Contact Details
Mob : 9963945606(Whatsapp)
E-mail :
Bank & Branch: GITAM School of Technology,
Research Scholar-delegate fee: 800/-**
Union Bank of India, Nagadenahalli
Branch,GITAM, Doddaballapur
** Inclusive of Lunch and Tea during the
Account No: 671102010000657
Registration Details
Dr. S D Sasi Kiran 7780208584
Dr. Ravikanth Gera 9493507705

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